A brand new day for brand new topic, lets look at some reciprocal trigonometric functions. First of all, we need to know what is the reciprocal for sine, cos and tangent. reciprocal of cos is sec, sin is csc, tangent is cot. Some people may confuse of csc and sec. I personally like to remember in the way that, sec ends with 'c' so is is reciprocal of cos while the middle of csc is 's' so it is reciprocal of sin. Well, the reciprocal graph is totally different from the normal graph. This link explain about the reciprocal trigonometric functions. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/InverseTrigonometricFunctions.html
So we can find the angle from the graph, we can also find the y value when we are given the angle. Lets call it a day. T.N.T ADVANCE FUNCTION FREAK XD