Ok, so we have a graphing calculator quiz today. To be honest, i am no good with 21th century technology..So a GC quiz, really make me think a lot of hoe to use it. through today's test, i can see that there are few things that we should know regarding to chapter 1. Firstly is to find finite difference. Finite difference can give us information about the degree of the function and the leading coefficient of the function. their relation is [constant finite different = leading coefficient x factorial of degree]. by using GC is pressing STAT, then follow with 1. key in all your data into L1 and L2 the cursor over to the phrase L3 then press 2nd and STAT. After that cursor over to OPS and press 7. After that press L2 when you want to find finite difference of L2 and L3 if want to find F.D of L4 and so on. If you are not sure about what to press or what, don't get cool feeted but you can always refers to textbook, teachers, mfriend or just comment me and i will try my best to help you. Other than finding F.D, others such as finding the equation through regression (still figuring whats that actually do), finding the value of y when x value are given, finding the zeros, scatter plot of data, finding maximum and minimum point and lastly finding the average rate of reaction and instantaneous rate of reaction. I repeat, all of the instuction can be found in the text book, ok? so, i will updat on regression hopefully on tomorrow as i found out my friends also having difficulty in that programme. G.C , I hate you but i love you. Mathematically, seriously. I am still a normal guy ok....:)
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